Title I is the oldest federal education program in existence. The purpose is to help students:
- Succeed in the regular academic program.
- Learn skills and knowledge appropriate for the grade level.
- Improve mastery of basic and more advanced skills.
Title I serves children through two programs:
- School wide programs are in schools where 40% or more of the children are receiving free and reduced lunches. School wide programs can combine Title I funds with federal, state, and local funds to improve school programs.
- Targeted assistance programs are in schools where less than 40% of the children are receiving free and reduced lunches. In targeted assistance program schools, Title I staff works with students who are identified as in need of support in the areas of reading and mathematics.
Currently, programs that are offered at Title I schools are:
- Additional Highly Qualified (HQ) staff to support academic interventions
- Public School Choice (for students already participating in the option as of school year 2011-12)
- After school tutoring may be offered at some individual buildings