Student Organization

Passport to Leadership with FCCLA

What is FCCLA?

 FCCLA stands for the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. It is a national career and technical student organization that helps youth become strong leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences Education. There are over 200,000 members nationwide in 53 state associations. There are 3,000 members in Indiana. For more information contact: or

Who can join FCCLA?

Any student can join FCCLA. You do not have to currently be in a Family and Consumer Sciences class.

What do you do in FCCLA?

FCCLA provides opportunities for students to participate in various community service projects while developing leadership skills. Examples of projects include making treats for the Humane shelter, preparing meals for the Ronald McDonald House, literacy programs at elementary schools, raising money for our National Outreach projects March of Dimes and Share Our Strength. You can also propose an idea to help the community—that is what FCCLA is all about!

 We also travel to district, state and national FCCLA meetings, where you have the opportunity to experience the ultimate leadership experience while meeting others teenagers and sharing your ideas! This fall Indiana FCCLA will host a Fall Leadership Rally. You also have the opportunity to participate in competitive events in March at the FCCLA State Leadership Conference. Next summer in July our National Meeting will be held in San Antonio, Texas! And so much more.

Do I have to attend EVERY  FCCLA activity?

You do NOT have to attend every meeting, but in order to know what is going on it is helpful. We would like you to attend as many meetings and activities that your schedule would allow.

Why should I join FCCLA?

FCCLA is a nationally known organization and membership in FCCLA is great for college applications. Participation in volunteer work/community service projects is important for college scholarships as well as personal satisfaction. FCCLA also allows you to build your leadership, communication, teamwork and management skills through the various projects you participate in. There are also many ways to earn recognition at the local, district, state and even national levels of FCCLA. You could even be an officer at each of those levels to continue to build your leadership skills, which will help you in your family, career or community.

How do I join FCCLA?

To join FCCLA you need to obtain a membership form and complete it thoroughly and pay your $11 dues.

If I or my parents have questions, where can we look? or follow the organization on Twitter or Facebook at Indiana FCCLA